Maintain a superior and safe snowmobile trail system supporting the needs of the snowmobile enthusiasts which contributes to the economic vitality of our community.
December 2024
Holiday Greetings to our Priest Lake Snowmobile Community.
This is the time of the year where we are wishing for a White Christmas. In fact, we are wishing for substantial snow at this time to get our snowmobile season underway. So, snow, snow, snow, is our chant.
The Groomer Advisory Board has had a very productive off-season preparing for what we do to provide the best snowmobile experience a snowmobiler can have here at Priest Lake. Our trail groomers are maintained and ready, our drivers are prepared, our support facilities are in the best condition they can be and we now have a new parking area at Lionhead.
Speaking of facilities, the Board has completed the expansion of our Groomer Facility located at Nordman. In addition to the majority of the work being done by our Groomer Board, we received major contributions in construction services from the following: Cannon Hill Industries provided our concrete; Idahome Concrete provided the preparation and finish of the concrete; and Northwest Insulation provided the insulation and sheetrock installation for the expansion. If you have the opportunity express your appreciation to these community supporters please do so.
We have a substantial change this year for the access to our trail system from the Coolin area. For at least the past 25 years we have been grooming the trail from Coolin to our trail system through private property along Chase Lake trail. The Chase Lake trail is 1.7 miles. As all of us understand situations change over time, and this private property is now under development, will soon have a new family home constructed so we will no longer have this trail access. I encourage those that use this area to review the trail system map to see how you can access our trail system from the Coolin area.
And lastly, I want to provide encouragement for all the snowmobilers to purchase your Idaho Snowmobile Registration. Approximately 80% of your registration fees go directly to provide for the trail grooming here at Priest Lake. That is, if you select Area 9A. You can do this easily online if you access our link at
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Larry Bryant, Chairman
Priest Lake Groomer Advisory Board
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